These muffins were good, but turned out too sweet because I put too much sugar in the batter. There was 1/3 or so of sugar that I was suppose to sprinkle over he muffins right before putting them in the oven, but I forgot and it ended up in the batter.Texture wise they were great, they turned out moist and soft with the blueberries bringing juiciness to the muffin and the exterior was chewy in a good way, a very good way. They weren't bad, it's just that they could have been better.

Hey, I worked at Borders too! Love blueberry muffins, especially with some brownsugar and cinnamon swirled in!
they look cute!
Try these out, http://prissycook.blogspot.com/2007/07/tastiest-darn-blueberry-muffins.html, they're quick and easy. BTW, I like your blog!
Blueberry muffins are so delicious. I never tire of them. It is great that despite the mistake that you mentioned it didn't spoil the final result.
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